Part of Tierra Nueva's jail ministry is answering letters from prison, and accepting collect phone calls from inmates. A recent letter from our friend Nick S, from prison, beautifully shows in several small hand-written psalms an authentic movement of new faith in his thought process. Facing the melancholy of his situation, he then remembers how God has been with him in the worst moments. He expresses gratitude and praise, which leads him into a new approach—reaching out and asking for prayer from his community.
Nick writes:
I've been spiritually down lately. You know how I get all schizo, manic. I really want to overcome the shortcomings that keep me hostage. You and a lot of the Tierra Nueva Family really instilled some type of wisdom about God, healing, and talking with God. For that I'm truly grateful. I'm sure you get tired of hearing me say this; I feel I can't help it: Gracias! Muchas gracias for having my back thru my chaotic, insane drug addiction. Even when I was sick, someone was there! Taking me to the hospital, to detox for no reason [often it was just anxious cravings]. You loved me at my worst. Helped take care of me and my family when I was unable. Because I was too unstable. I'm praying that God shows more mercy on my health. My liver's whacked after all the drugs I've done; I'm seeing a doctor this month. Tell everyone I send my love, respect, and blessings.
The Redeemed One/Won
I hear the sound ringing in my ear
The devil's voice and it gettin' real near
Frustrations and Temptation I see in my rear-
View mirror smashin' down the calle a heart consumed with fear
I wish I could fly to my own little spot
Away in the islands where there's no drugs to be bought
No crimes to commit and no reason to be caught
But "No, I'm a Sureño*"—that's what I was taught
I can't stand being in this cell
I cry to Jesus but I still feel like I'm in hell
When I go to heaven
I'm gonna have one hell of a story to tell
I have faith that the Lord will prevail
He'll send his love like a piece of X-Mas mail
To the heart and to the soul!
Father tell me, What's my role?
*Sureño: translated “southsider,” largest Chicano gang on the West Coast